Medical, Urology
Dr Kahie is a urological and kidney transplant surgeon, with special interest in pelvic medicine: sacroneuromodulation, artificial sphincters, and female urology.
He was trained as a general surgeon at Aga Khan University and at Nelson Mandela Schools of Medicine, University of KwaZulu Natal for his urology training. He is certified European Board of Urology and Member, Royal college of Surgeon’s of Egland. He is also a fellow, minimal access surgeon.
Dr. Kahie is the recipient of the travelling fellowship for the 30th World Congress of Enduorolgy 2012. He assisted in establishing the department of surgery at the University of Somalia in 2014 which he chaired for two years.
He practices urology in Nairobi, Suite 609, PMC building, 3rd parklands Avenue.